Elisabeth Gruber

Elisabeth Gruber


Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Elisabeth Gruber (F) is a human geographer specialising in population geography, spatial planning, and regional development, focusing on demographic processes and their spatial consequences. Her main research activities deal with age-specific (internal) migration patterns, spatial development in peripheral regions, the development of housing markets, and demographic ageing. Since June 2022 she is affiliated with the Geography Department of the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, where she holds a Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellowship and conducts research on the nexus of population development and regional development. Before she worked at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna, where she has finalized her PhD thesis in 2017.


Franz, Y.; Gruber, E. (2022). The Changing Role of Student Housing as Social Infrastructure. Urban Planning 7(4), doi: 10.17645/up.v7i4.5661

Gruber, E. (2022). Rural Coworking Spaces: Wie kollaborative Arbeitsorte in ländlichen Räumen entstehen. In: Franz, Y.; Heintel, M. Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung. (pp.403-412). Vienna: UTB, Wien.

Gruber, E. (2022): How did the COVID-19 pandemic influence im/mobility decisions of students and young academics? Blog Unpacking Migration. Online

Gruber, E. (2021). Immobility and Staying: New concepts of Population Geography? A literature review. Geographica Helvetica, 76, 275–284. doi: 10.5194/gh-76-275-2021


At the FAU, Elisabeth Gruber conducts research on im/mobility aspirations of young people and their influencing factors, as well as on perspectives of regional development on youth migration in Germany.