Staff Mobility
The ERASMUS+ Teaching Staff Mobility (STA) offers the opportunity for the Institute’s academic staff (professors, postdocs, PhD students) to undertake short-term visiting lectureships at partner institutions to gain international teaching experience. The lectureships comprise at least eight hours of teaching / week with a minimum duration of two days (outside Europe: at least eight hours / week with a minimum duration of five days), whereby a combination of virtual and physical mobility is also possible. Participants may receive a lump sum for travel and subsistence expenses. ERASMUS+ and bilateral partnerships exist with the following universities and research institutions; in addition, remaining places at geography-related institutes at FAU may be available under certain circumstances.
Please note that the details of your teaching visit and the content of the teaching assignment (Mobility Agreement) must be clarified with the partner institution in advance. The teaching programme must be confirmed by FAU, the host university/research institution and the candidate. In addition, appropriate language skills may be necessary. You must then submit a final report as well as confirmation from the host institution that teaching has taken place.
Further information can be found at FAUintern. The application must – after clarifying the details with the partner institution – be sent to Ms. Köndgen from the Office for International Affairs (RIA) (
In addition, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a number of programmes, such as for short- or long-term lectureships for teaching activities at foreign universities, for bilateral academic exchanges of PostDocs, for trips to international congresses with active participation as well as for research stays abroad during and after the PhD. Further information can be found in the DAAD scholarship database. Applications must be submitted directly to the DAAD.
There are also country-specific exchange teaching positions (e.g. Mankato, Minnesota / USA or Flacso, Ecuador) and research grants such as the Fulbright Programme. For more information, please visit FAUintern. If you have any questions about the exchange programmes with the USA or Ecuador, please contact Prof. Fred Krüger (USA) and Prof. Perdita Pohle (Ecuador).
Scientific and non-scientific staff also have the opportunity to participate in ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Training (STT) to acquire knowledge or specific skills as well as practical skills that are beneficial for their professional development. This can be training with pre-defined programmes (e.g. Staff Weeks) but also individual job shadowing with a self-developed programme. The minimum duration is two days (outside Europe: five days), although a combination of virtual and physical mobility is also possible. Participants can receive a lump sum for travel and accommodation costs.
Please note that within Europe, in principle, all institutions (including non-university institutions!) are possible destinations, while outside Europe this is limited to FAU’s partner universities. The prerequisite for participation is an endorsement by a supervisor, a mobility agreement and the submission of a final report as well as a confirmation from the host institution that the training has taken place. In addition, appropriate language skills may be necessary.
Detailed information can be found at FAUintern. Current calls for applications for so-called Staff Weeks can be found here. After clarifying the details with the partner institution, the application must be sent to Ms Köndgen from the Office for International Affairs (RIA) (
International researchers are welcome here both within the framework of individual collaborations and coordinated programmes. The Welcome Centre of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg offers useful information for all visiting researchers to plan and organise their stay with us.
In the course of the ERASMUS+ programme with our partner universities, researchers with expertise in the teaching and research fields of our institute can apply within the framework of the associated mobility programme. If you are interested, please contact one of our academic staff members to discuss the content and duration of your teaching activity, and then contact the ERASMUS+ coordination at your university. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the person on the right side of the page.